AUTHORS: Sanny Anthony Mabele1, Dr. Godfrey Murunga2 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-CCFSVC-02
Veg-Hydroponics opportunities and implications; Assessment of Nyando Topography, Kisumu County.
AUTHORS: Winnie Achieng’ Odhiambo1 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-CCFSVC-01
Effects of application of edible coatings and fungicides on the flavor of avocado
AUTHORS: James Otieno1, Stephen Ochieng2 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-T.A.F. S-41
Technological Approaches in Food Systems
AUTHORS: Violet Musau1 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-T.A.F.S-40
Determination of L-Ascorbic Acid Quantities in Vegetables by Using 3% Acid-Alcohol in Iodine Redox Titrimetric Method
AUTHORS: Stephen Onyango1, Fredrick Okumu2, Philemon Mung’au1, Daniel Randa1, Julius Oyie1, Lemmy Ouko1 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-T.A.F.S-39
AUTHORS: Sanny Anthony Mabele1, Dr. Godfrey Murunga2 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-M.I.Y.C.N.H.P-33
AUTHORS: Stephene Ochieng Otieno1 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-T.A.F.S-38
Digitalization as a key driver for sustainable food system transformation: The case of Solutaag in Busia and Bungoma, Kenya
AUTHORS: Elizabeth Imbo1, Cornelia Speich2,3, Marnie Pannatier4, Helen Prytherch2,3 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-T.A.F.S-37
Association of Nutritional Status, Feeding Patterns, and their Covariates among Lactating Adolescents 15-19 Years Attending Kilifi County Hospital, Kenya.
AUTHORS: Hilda Mziri Madeda1,Patricia Mbogoh2, Evalyne Ngirigacha3, Makorani Y’dhidha-A-Mjidho4 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-M.I.Y.C.N.H.P-36
Competency of Community Health Volunteers on Complementary Feeding Strategies of Children 6-23 Months in Masinga, Machakos County, Kenya
AUTHORS: Kivaya S.K1, Kiio J1, Njogu E1 DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-M.I.Y.C.N.H.P-35
Addressing Malnutrition Sustainably among Under-5 Children in Poor Rural Households through Positive Deviant (PD) Hearth; A case of Kwale County
AUTHORS: Emmanuel Katama1, Elizabeth Omondi2, Faith Mwangi3, Annette, Swa, John Kutna, Happiness Oruko DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2023-M.I.Y.C.N.H.P-34