Weight Loss Methods and Weight Loss among Overweight and Obese Bank Staff in Selected Commercial Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya.

                                    Macharia JM¹, Chege P² and A Munyaka³ ¹,2,3School of Public Health and Applied Human Sciences, Department of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Corresponding Author Email: jakisomz@gmail.com DOI: 10.57039/JND_05_01_05

Perceptions towards management of acute malnutrition by community health volunteers in northern Kenya.

AUTHORS: Elizabeth Wambui1, Calistus Wilunda1, Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet1,2, Bonventure Mwangi1, Taddese Alemu Zerfu1,3, Tewoldeberha Daniel4, Olivia Agutu5, Betty Samburu6, Daniel Kavoo6, Lydia Karimurio6, Pilar Charle Cuellar7, Emily Keane8, Lilly Schofield8, James Njiru9, Martin Chabi10, Lucy Gathigi Maina5, Peter Okoth5, Judith Raburu5, Grace Gichohi6, Alex Mutua6, Charles Matanda6, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage1   DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-MSMDC-28

Effectiveness of Task Shifting in the Management of Malnourished Children in Northern Kenya: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

AUTHORS: Bonventure Mwangi1, Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet1,2, Tewoldeberhan Daniel3, Calistus Wilunda1, Elizabeth Mwaniki1, James Njiru4, Emily Keane5, Lily Schofield5, Lucy Maina6, Edward Kutondo6, Olivia Agutu6, Peter Okoth6, Judith Raburu6, Betty Samburu6, Taddese Alemu Zerfu1,7, Jemimah Khamadi Wekhomba8, Pilar Charle Cuellar9, Daniel Kavoo10, Lydia Karimurio10, Charles Matanda10, Alex Mutua10, Grace Gichohi10, Martin Chabi11, Patrick Codjia6, Saul Guerrero Oteyza12, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage1.  ...

Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition through Community Health Volunteers is a cost-effective Intervention: Evidence from a ResourceLimited Setting

AUTHORS: Patrick G. Ilboudo1, Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet1,2, Calistus Wilunda1, Bernardette Cichon3, Daniel Tewoldeberhan4, James Njiru5, Emily Keane6, Bonventure Mwangi1, Elizabeth Mwaniki1, Taddese Alemu Zerfu1,7, Lilly Schofield6, Lucy Maina8, Edward Kutondo8, Olivia Agutu8, Peter Okoth8, Judith Raburu8, Daniel Kavoo9, Lydia Karimurio10, Charles Matanda10, Alex Mutua10, Grace Gichohi11, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage1   DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-MSMDC-26

Reporting and Methodological Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Malnutrition in the East African Community. A Systematic Review

AUTHORS: Caleb K. Sagam1, Eddy Johnson owino1, Lisa M. Were1, Jenifer A. Otieno1, Moriasi Nyanchoka2, Belyse Munezero4, Jean M. Butoyi5, Oscar Nyabenda6, Gildas Ndibanje7, Jonathan Niyukuri8, Maurice Felo9, Eleanor A. Ochodo1,3   DOI: 10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-MSMDC-24